QuickJump and JumpToWindow

Today we released QuickJump and JumpToWindow There is one new feature – an ability to change the font size in the main application window. You can do so using keyboard hotkeys – Ctrl+Plus to increase font size, Ctrl+Minus to make it smaller.

To download the new version, use the “Check for Updates” command from inside of the application.


New product coming soon. Sign up for Beta.

We are getting ready to release a brand new product. It is designed for Outlook users who use their Inbox as a ToDo list, which is most of us.

If you believe you could use a new way of managing ToDo items in your Inbox and are willing to provide Beta feedback, you can sign up to be a beta tester. The number of spots for the first phase is limited. If you are interested, please sign up today.

We are very excited about the way the product is shaping, are looking forward to sharing it with you and hearing your feedback!


And, of course, we already have a solution for messages which you keep for future reference and on which no additional actions are necessary. You can use SimplyFile to file email messages to the right Outlook folder with one click or SimplyTag to tag and categorize email messages.


How to prevent Outlook from adding line breaks to sent plain text messages

When you send a plain text message, by default, Outlook will wrap text and insert line breaks at 76 characters. This might break your formatted paragraphs and URL links.

There is a solution which requires registry changes, however there also an option that fixes it without touching the registry. Here are the steps:

  1. Click on the File tab and select Options.
  2. Click on “Advanced” in the left column of the Options window.
  3. Scroll down to the “International Options” section.
  4. Change “Preferred encoding for outgoing messages” to “Unicode (UTF-8)”.
  5. Click “OK” at the bottom of the Options window.
  6. Restart Outlook

That should do it.

Note: This only works for Outlook 2010 or newer. For older versions of Outlook (2007 and 2003), you have to use the registry tweak. Google outlook “WrapLines”.

This solution was discussed in this thread.


Do you have too many messages in your Inbox? Try SimplyFile  – Intelligent filing assistant for Microsoft Outlook.



SimplyTag 1.1 release

Just in time for the holidays, today we are releasing SimplyTag 1.1.

User-visible changes include:

  • Tag Sender – use this command to tag all messages in the current folder from a particular sender with one operation.
  • Task It and Schedule It – create Outlook Tasks and Appointments from email messages. This is a great way to manage future actions and follow-ups without cluttering your Inbox.

Download the new version today.

To all our customers – thank you for the tremendous support you show us year over year. Happy Holidays and Best Wishes for 2014!




SimplyTag 1.0 – Official Release

We are happy to announce the first official release of our newest product – SimplyTag. It is designed for users who organize their Outlook email using categories and tags.

There are two types of email users – “filers” and “pilers”. Filers organize email messages by filing them into a well designed folder hierarchy. Pilers usually keep their messages in one folder, usually called “Archive” and rely on search and tagging to find messages.

There are various pros and cons of using folders versus categories. Some users think folders are more intuitive. Others believe categories and tags are more flexible.

One of our most popular products, SimplyFile, has been very popular with filers. With SimplyTag, we are now able to help users who rely on tags and categories.

Download your copy today

Learn more and download SimplyTag today! You will be amazed by how helpful and intuitive it is.

As always, we are looking forward to your feedback!

 Thank you to Beta testers

Last but not least, we would like to say a Huge Thank You to all SimplyTag beta testers for their wonderful feedback, suggestions and encouragements! We love building products that help our customers, the best customers in the world!



MessageSave and EZDetach

We have just released MessageSave and EZDetach These are minor updates that include several improvements related to saving Outlook email messages and attachments to SharePoint drives.

How to upgrade

Upgrade reminder

If you are still using older versions of the products (MessageSave 4.x and EZDetach 5.x) you are eligible for discount upgrade pricing for the latest versions (MessageSave 5.0 and EZDetach 6.0). Order upgrade here.



SimplyTag public beta

Today we are excited to announce the start of SimplyTag public beta program.

SimplyTag applies the power of predictive technology and optimized usability, which we have developed for SimplyFile, to Outlook Categories. Download SimplyTag today and take it for a spin.

One of the main goals of any beta programs is collecting user feedback. If you have already sent us your thoughts – Thank You! If you have not – we are looking forward to hearing from you!



MessageSave – Now supports saving Outlook email messages to a SharePoint mapped drive

MessageSave LogoToday we released MessageSave

This release adds a new option – Generate SharePoint Compatible Names. This option allows using MessageSave to save Outlook messages directly to a mapped SharePoint drive.

If you are using a previous version 5.x release, please see upgrade instructions.

Upgrade reminder

If you are still using older versions of MessageSave (4.x) you are eligible for discount upgrade pricing for the latest versions – 5.1. Order upgrade here.

EZDetach – Now supports saving Outlook attachments to a SharePoint mapped drive

EZDetach LogoToday we released EZDetach

This release adds a new option – Generate SharePoint Compatible Names. This option allows using EZDetach to save Outlook attachments directly to a mapped SharePoint drive.

If you are using a previous version 6.x release, please see upgrade instructions.

Upgrade reminder

If you are still using older versions of EZDetach (5.x) you are eligible for discount upgrade pricing for the latest versions – 6.1. Order upgrade here.