SnoozeIt 1.0 – Official Release

SnoozeIt logoToday we are happy to announce the first official release of our brand new product – SnoozeIt for Microsoft Outlook.

SnoozeIt is a tool for managing ToDos and follow-ups right in the Inbox. Instead of keeping messages in the Inbox as reminders to do things in the future, you “Snooze” them. SnoozeIt will hide the message from the Inbox and then show it at the time you specify. This allows you to keep a very small and manageable Inbox while staying on top of things you need to do. Ideally, you will only have a handful of messages in your Inbox at any given moment, so important items do not get lost in the clutter.

Perfect tool for InboxZero

If you are familiar with the InboxZero email management methodology, you will find that SnoozeIt is a perfect tool for InboxZero in Outlook. Try it and see how seamlessly it fits into your workflow.

Real-world tested in SimplyFile

For those of you who use SimplyFile, this will sound familiar. SimplyFile has a feature called SnoozeIt. Despite the fact that SimplyFile also has TaskIt and ScheduleIt, we kept hearing feedback from customers about how much they like the workflow SnoozeIt supports and how useful it would be even to those who do not use SimplyFile (for example, to SimplyTag users). That is the reason we decided to expand the functionality and create a separate product.

This also means that the core of SnoozeIt has been tested in real world usage for over five years. Quite remarkable for a brand new product.

Download your copy today

Learn more and download SnoozeIt today! You will be amazed by how helpful and intuitive it is.

As always, we are looking forward to your feedback!

Thank you to Beta testers and Customers

Last but not least, we would like to say a Huge Thank You to all SnoozeIt beta testers for their wonderful feedback, suggestions and encouragements! We love building products that help our customers, the best customers in the world! We also would like to thank SimplyFile customers who provided excellent feedback that helped us shape SnoozeIt into such a successful product.