SendAware Official Release

Mistakes happen – we help prevent them

Accidentally sending an email to the wrong recipient can be a costly mistake. If you have not done it yourself, you most likely know somebody who has.

We are excited to announce the official release of SendAware, specifically designed to help prevent unforced errors which are becoming all too common in today’s fast-paced environment.

Download your copy today

Learn more about how SendAware will help you prevent sending email to the wrong recipient and download your copy today.

Thank you to Beta testers and Customers

Finally, we would like to say a Huge Thank You to all SendAware beta testers for their wonderful feedback, suggestions and encouragements! We love building products that help our customers, the best customers in the world!

SimplyFile release

SimplyFile has been released. Changes include

  • Improved sent message filing under some configurations.
  • Support deployment on FIPS-enabled systems.

To upgrade, simply download and install the latest evaluation version from our website or use the “Check for Updates” button on the SimplyFile drop-down menu. Keep on SimplyFiling!

MessageSave v6 Official Release

MessageSave LogoWe are happy to announce the official release of MessageSave version 6. We have put countless hours into making your favorite tool for saving and archiving email messages outside of Outlook even more powerful and user-friendly.

What is new in version 6

QuickSave, Setting Profiles, PDF format, QuickPick and much more.

Customers of previous versions are entitled to upgrade discounts. Upgrade today to take advantage of new features.

Thank you to Beta testers and Customers

As always, we had a very passionate group of beta testers help us put finishing touches on the release. We would like to say a Huge Thank You to all beta testers for their wonderful feedback, suggestions and encouragements! We love building products that help our customers, the best customers in the world!