JumpToWindow release

JumpToWindow logoToday we released JumpToWindow Changes include:

  • JumpToWindow now supports both Microsoft .NET 4 and 3.5. You only need one of those installed on your computer. So if you have a brand new Windows 8 installation, you do not need to install .NET 3.5, you can simply use .NET 4, which is bundled with Windows 8.
  • New option to disable window preview when running under Remote Desktop. This can help performance on a slow connection.
  • New hotkeys – Ctrl+1, Ctrl+2, …., Ctrl+9 – switches to the 1st, 2nd, …, 9th window listed. We still recommend that you use type-ahead to filter the window list to a small number (up to 5) before using one of these hotkeys.


You can download the JumpToWindow release directly from our website or use “Check for Updates” command in the application menu. Enjoy!




JumpToWindow 1.1 – Window Preview

Today we released a new version of JumpToWindow – 1.1. It introduces a new feature – Window Preview.

Window Preview displays a preview of the window you select. If you have several windows with the same title, you can preview them to make sure you pick the right one. There are two ways to activate window preview:

  1. Auto Preview. JumpToWindow will automatically show preview when you pause on an item in the window list.
  2. Manual Preview. You can toggle window preview for the currently highlighted window manually by hitting Ctrl+P.

Download the new version today and tell us what you think.


Note: Window Preview only works on Windows Vista or newer and only if Aero is enabled.



JumpToWindow 1.0 – Official Release

Today we are happy to announce the first official release of our brand-new product – JumpToWindow.

JumpToWindow will help you be faster at what you do hundreds of times every single day – switch between open windows and applications. No more Alt-Tabbing through an endless list of windows or hunting for the right icon with the mouse. Simply hit a few keystrokes and jump directly to the right window.

Download your copy today

Learn more and download JumpToWindow today! You will be amazed by how often you use it.

As always, we are looking forward to your feedback!

 Thank you to Beta testers

Last but not least, we would like to say a Huge Thank You to all JumpToWindow beta testers for their wonderful feedback, suggestions and encouragements! We love building products that help our customers!


New product – JumpToWindow – Beta starts today

Today we are excited to announce the first Beta release of our brand new product – JumpToWindow.

You will use it hundreds of times every day

If you are already using SimplyFile or QuickJump, you know how powerful and efficient keyboard-based navigation is. JumpToWindow applies the same power to an operation you literally perform hundreds of times every single day – switching between open windows and applications.

If you have more than a handful of windows open, switching between them using Alt+Tab or using the mouse can be awkward and distracting. With JumpToWindow you can switch without breaking your flow.

Watch a quick demo

Download JumpToWindow Today!

Download JumpToWindow and take it for a spin.

Tell us what you think.

Thank you for your interest! We are looking forward to your feedback.