SimplyFile 3.0 Public Beta starts today

SimplyFile_LogoToday we are starting the first public beta of SimplyFile 3.0. You can learn more about new features and download it here – what is new in SimplyFile 3.0.

We have spent a lot of effort making the product that you know, love and rely on every day, even more powerful and effective. Feedback from the private beta test group has been super positive. We hope you like it too.

We are looking forward to hearing what you think about the new version! Please submit your feedback via this page.

5 Replies to “SimplyFile 3.0 Public Beta starts today”

  1. If I install v3 beta, how does that affect my registered install of v2.4? Am I going to be forced to upgrade when it moves out of beta?

  2. I just found v2.4, purchased it and love it. Should I have waited until 3.0? Clarifying the upgrade process and pricing would be great. Thanks!

  3. Just installed 3.0 and definitely like the UI. I really disliked having the commands on the ‘addins’ tab and this is much better. Need a bit of time to get used to it.

    The outstanding problem is that I have a lot of folders with the same or similar names, e.g. /groups/sales and /training/sales. In OL 2007 I could see the full path so I knew where things are being filed. With the new 2010 UI all I see is ‘sales’. Not good. Need to change it somehow.

  4. Just figured out you can hover over the target folder in the ribbon to get the full path. I like that. Also like the ‘send and file original’. Big time saver.

    The icons are a bit too similar to easily see which is which. 🙁

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