TwInbox 2.0 Public Beta 1

TwInbox LogoToday we are starting an open public beta cycle for TwInbox 2.0. Ever since the first release of TwInbox (know as OutTwit at the time) back in 2007, one of the most frequently requested features has been multiple account support. We are happy to tell you that TwInbox 2.0 adds support for multiple accounts along with a number of other great enhancements.

What is new in TwInbox 2.0

  • Multiple account support
  • New options for tweet folder layout (All tweets in one folder vs separate Home/Mentions/Direct vs per sender)
  • support, including an ability to use your own account
  • An option to specify language for Twitter searches
  • An option to preview shortened URL information before jumping to the destination link
  • A configurable hotkey for Retweet
  • UI options for a number of settings which previously had to be edited via the registry
  • Improved support for Windows 7
  • A number of usability tweeks, performance and bug fixes

Note: TwInbox 2.0 introduces preliminary support for Outlook 2010, 32 bit only. 64 bit support is in the works.

Download TwInbox 2.0 Beta

Download TwInbox 2.0 beta.

Migrating from TwInbox 1.x

TwInbox 2.0 uses a different folder layout for storing tweets. The welcome wizard will help you select a main TwInbox folder. TwInbox will automatically create sub-folders for every account under that folder.

Note that if you created searches in TwInbox 1.x, those will be imported, but they will continue using the folders you originally specified for them. Please review your search configurations after you start using TwInbox 2.0 for the first time.

We are looking forward to your feedback

As with every beta release, we ask that you please take time to submit your feedback. Thank you for your continued help and support in making TwInbox a success!

Do not forget to follow @TechHit to receive update notifications.


17 Replies to “TwInbox 2.0 Public Beta 1”

      1. I downloaded the beta 2.0, but am not seeing any difference. It asked me to set up the mailbox as if I’d never seen it before, but I’m not seeing changes. What did I do wrong?
        I love the idea multiple user support and support, and configuration for RT’s.

        1. Duh! It works much better after restarting the computer! Liking it so far. Really appreciate being able to collect all my tweets for all three accounts without reconfiguring every time.

          Is there any way to get the Retweets from the people I follow now that Twitter has changed the setup? I recommend Twinbox for people who hate the new system, because it makes RT’s editable but still easy.

  1. Great job with the beta! I like having the multi-user account and support.

    I actually liked the old folder format. This allowed me to manage my content however I want. Can we pls have an option to dump everything in one folder? Then, we can take advantage of Outlook’s filtering capabilities. Also, it’s easier (for me) to manage sync’ing with my mobile.

    Keep up the good work!

    btw, new Twitter features like RT and Lists would be a great addition too. 🙂

  2. Any timeframe for the 64-bit support for Outlook 2010? REALLY, REALLY waiting for this. Tried a bunch of other twitter clients but I want TwinBox is what I want as I have a long time user of the one with O2007!

  3. awesome! now this is cooler 🙂
    another feature request i have in mind tagging/setting favorite tweets.

  4. It’s installed and running. Very good, so far.
    Still palying with some of the options.

    I’m an IMAP user and was wondering if there is some significant reason to use the ability to have tweets stored in a separate data file?

      1. Well, it doesn’t. At least not on my Outlook 2003. All links remain as they are (without info).
        BTW, does this feature cover other services or just
        And a feature request: show the expanded URL (the actual endpoint) instead of a shortened URL.

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