New product – QuickJump – allows fast Windows folder navigation

QuickJump LogoToday we are excited to announce the first non-beta release of QuickJump.

QuickJump solves a relatively narrow, but very important and time-consuming productivity issue – navigating between various file system folders. No longer do you have to click up and down the folder tree every time you need to save or open a file. QuickJump will help you get to the right folder with just a few keystrokes. What is especially useful is that it works in standard “File Open” or “Save As” dialogs of any windows applications. Of course, you can use it to open folders in File Explorer as well.

How much testing went into QuickJump to date?

QuickJump has been in production deployment at several pilot sites for about four months now. We would like to sincerely thank all participants in the beta program for their feedback and encouragement. Beta-tester feedback has been overwhelmingly positive for both usability and stability of the product.  One of them, Mario Fortier, kindly allowed us to publish his quote. Thank you again!

QuickJump is an incredible piece of software. We first tried it in combination with MessageSave and ended out using it all the time.

We are an IP firm in Canada and are dealing with more then 50,000 files each having it’s own sub directory often with subdirectories. With QuickJump we can really jump into any of those sub in a flash.

QuickJump and a bit of methodology and I believe we might never need a Document Management system.

My only regret : I wish I had coded it myself.

Where can I learn more?

Watch a quick screencast demo.

We have also put together this FAQ page.

Enough already, let me download and try it.

Learn more and download QuickJump here.

As always, we are looking forward to your feedback!

