EZDetach 6 Official Release

We are happy to announce the official release of EZDetach 6. We have put a lot of work into the new version and are very happy with the way it turned out. Feedback from the Beta testers has been very positive as well.

What is new in EZDetach 6

EZDetach 6.0 includes a number of great new features.

  • SimplyFile-like folder suggestion
  • Mapped folders
  • Scheduler
  • AutoSave
  • Customized file name templates
  • Better support for Outlook 2010 Ribbon UI
  • New type of attachment links

Read an overview of new features in EZDetach 6.

Download today

EZDetach 6 is available for download from TechHit.com today. Be among the first customers to install the new version!

Note: Unlike the previous versions, EZDetach 6.0 does not have a separate full version download. The trial version is unlocked using a license key.

Upgrade and Save

We offer upgrade discounts to licensed customers of EZDetach 5. Use this link to order your upgrade today.

Thank you to Beta Testers and Customers!

Last but not least, we would like to say a big “Thank you” to everyone who participated in the Beta cycle and provided feedback as well as to all customers. Thank you, we really appreciate all the support and encouragements.


As always, we are looking forward to your feedback! And thank you in advance for recommending our products to your friends and coworkers.




2 Replies to “EZDetach 6 Official Release”

  1. I was excited to see the upgrade, so excited I paid for it before actually trying it. Sigh.

    I just can’t see how to do what I’d really wanted from a new version and what I’d emailed you about. Maybe I’m missing it.

    I want to be able to to manually chose to move a message from my inbox to another folder, and at that time have ezdetach run, and either prompt me for the folder to save the attchment, or save the attachment into a folder with the pre-defined, or identical name. I thought the easiest way to do this would have been to create a quick step? I’ve read through the instructions and can’t see how to do this manually. Suggestions?

    1. Mark,

      The easiest way to do this would be to configure EZDetach scheduler to run every minute on the folders into which you file messages. It will pick up all newly moved messages and save attachments from them.
      See section of the User Guide:

      You could also use AutoSave, but that might take a bit more tweaking to setup exactly the way you would like: http://www.techhit.com/ezdetach/help/saving-outlook-attachments.html#automatically-saving-attachments-using-autosave

      Please do not hesitate to contact us with any additional questions via this page:

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