SimplyFile release

SimplyFile_LogoSimplyFile version is now available for download. This version includes the following changes.

“Create Folder” button behavior change

Default behavior of “Create Folder” button in the QuickPick window was changed to match version 3. Click opens the custom SimplyFile “Create Folder” window. Shift+Click opens Outlook built-in “Select Folder” window. Thank you very much to everyone who provided feedback regarding this issue. We do pay a lot of attention to keyboard-only usage scenarios and understand that every keystroke counts to our power-users.

Interoperability with SnoozeIt

When “Clear message flag” is set in the Options window, SimplyFile will clear the attributes used by the SnoozeIt product to mark unsnoozed messages. Those attributes might include reminder time, snoozed category, follow up flag, etc. If you have not tried SnoozeIt, it is a great way to keep track of your ToDo items without cluttering the Inbox. The idea is that you snooze a message until the time you are ready to deal with it. Snoozing hides it from the Inbox, then shows the message again at the time you specify.

Download new version

To upgrade, simply download and install the latest evaluation version from our website or use the “Check for Updates” button on the SimplyFile drop-down menu. Keep on SimplyFiling!