OutTwit leaves Beta, Gets a new name – TwInbox.

TwInbox LogoToday we are announcing the first official, non-beta release of our popular Twitter add-in for Microsoft Outlook.

This version introduces significant enhancements in usability and offers easier access to more information right where you need it. For example, you used to have to click on a person’s profile to see her follower count. Not anymore. Now it is available at a glance when you are reading a tweet.
These changes make OutTwit TwInbox a perfect Twitter client – simple enough for Twitter newbies and powerful enough for business professionals.

New name – TwInbox

OutTwit was a great name for the product. It served us well through the beta cycle. Going forward, the product will be known as TwInbox for Microsoft Outlook.

Enhanced usability

We have moved some of the more frequently used commands from the drop-down up to the toolbar. Now you can compose new updates, send @replies and direct messages and retweet messages and tweets right from the toolbar. You can also configure which components you would like to see displayed on the TwInbox toolbar.

Easier access to information

We have made some of the information that used to require extra clicks, much easier to access. Information such as sender’s full name, website address, follower counts and the number of updates, is shown in every message. No long do you need to click on the sender name to see the profile in a separate window. All necessary information is displayed right where you need it.

Note: Due to the way Twitter Search API works, this information is not available for tweets fetched via search. Twitter folks are working on this issue.

TwInbox Screenshot
Click to expand the image

This is yet another example how TwInbox makes information more available to you and makes your Twitter stream much easier and faster to consume.

Improved picture preview

We have enhanced TwitPic picture preview and introduced support for Twitgoo picture preview. So you can see images right in the tweet, without having to click through.

Twitgoo image preview

Thank you!

We would like to say a big Thank You! to all OutTwit users. Your feedback and support has been instrumental in helping us reach this milestone. We hope that you like the enhancements we are making. We know we can count on your continued support with future development of TwInbox. Please keep the feedback coming. We love hearing from you!

Download TwInbox here!


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